Collagen Tanning

Collagen Tanning

Hybrid tanning will provide you with a more natural and longer lasting tan.
The combination of lamps UV lamps with red light in collagen tanning beds will give you the BEST OF BOTH worlds – red light for collagen repair plus UV light for vitamin D and other endless benefits of UV exposure.
 As a result, you will receive plenty more benefits such as:
  • Helps to rejuvenate  skin
  • Anti- Aging: Reduces wrinkles, stimulates collagen, plumps the skin and improves skin elasticity
  • Treats skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne
  • Stimulates hair and nail growth
  • Regulates blood pressure, improves circulation
  • Helps relieve muscle tension
  • Increases metabolic rate resulting in weight loss
  • Boosts serotonin hormone which gives you that “feel good” mood