Collagen Tanning Rules

Collagen Tanning


We have 3 tan cans and work on walk-in service.

Sessions are 5 or 10 minutes at a time depending on your skin type.


  • Use tanning creams specially created for indoor tanning beds
  • Make sure your eyes are fully protected – always use protective goggles
  • Do not prolong the tanning session – tan for shorter time, but more often
  • We DO NOT take bookings for sunbed sessions. One can just pop in for a 10 minute session.
  • NO more than ONE SESSION per person per day is permitted
  • No SHARING of contracts

We do not allow longer than 10 minutes per tanning session but highly recommend that one should use a Tanning Lotion to give the melanin in the skin an extra boost.

We sell lotions in bottles and in sachets.

What do I need to bring with?

 We provide deodorant, goggles and sunscreen in each room but please feel free to bring your own hand towel.